Monday, February 7, 2011

Is the Caliphate Coming?

Caliphate. Go ahead, say it: kal-uh-feyt. Google it, and you'll learn that it's a system of government, established under sharia law, whereby all Muslims are united. It is run by a head of state called a "Caliph," who exercises authority over all Muslim citizens. I bring this up because, as I look at all the civil unrest occurring in the Middle East, I can't help but think that we are witnessing the earliest stages of the first caliphate since the Ottoman Empire.

Let's start at the beginning. Over the past few weeks, political uprisings have caused chaos in Tunisia, Yemen, Jordan, and most of all, Egypt. Even Lebanon suffered a casualty as Hezbollah was able to strongarm the country's president out of office, dealing a blow to American interests in the Middle East.

The catalyst for the unrest is undoubtedly the dire economic situation around the world. Unemployment has reached astronomical levels, with 45% of Egyptians currently out of work. That's five times the national unemployment rate in the United States. Egypt and other Middle Eastern countries are also facing shortages of food, water, and electricity. It's one thing when you're being oppressed by a dictator and still able to work, eat, drink, and consume electricity. It's a whole other story though when you're out of a job, with not enough food and water to survive over the long run, all while having your freedoms taken away. That's a game changer.

As a result, the bell tolled rather quickly for the Middle East regimes. Protesters took to the streets. Riots ensued. People were injured, even killed. Now America has a mess on its hands, and we have to do our best to clean it up in a way that will safeguard the future of our interests and our security.

One of the actors organizing the political unrest is the Muslim Brotherhood. All we need to know about this group is that they are a terrorist organization, allied with Hamas and Hezbollah in the common goal of exterminating the Jews. They are taking full advantage of the people's anger and jockeying for power. If they are able to accomplish what they're setting out to do, then the ramifications for the United States will be nothing short of catastrophic.

If you were to look at a map of the Middle East and Africa and highlight those countries where radical Muslims are gaining ground, then the results may surprise you. You can start with Iran, the largest state sponsor of terror in the entire world. Their leader, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has called for Israel to be literally wiped off the map. From there, you can make your way into Syria, which is closely aligned with Iran and overrun by radical Islam. Then you have Lebanon, where Hezbollah flexes its muscle, and the Palestinians, who overwhelmingly support Hamas. In Jordan, King Abdullah was recently forced to remove the president under public pressure, and protests in Yemen are heating up as well.

Moving into Africa, you have Somalia and Sudan as countries that are safe havens for terrorists. Radical Muslims are also a major presence in northern Africa, in countries such as Morocco, Algeria, and Libya. If they are able to gain power in Tunisia and Egypt, then they will basically cover all of northern Africa from coast to coast. They will even control the Suez Canal, and that could have a devastating impact on the price of oil and other goods.

Until you highlight all of these on a map, you may not realize just how significant this territory is. Should all of these countries become ruled by terrorist regimes, then Israel will be totally surrounded by cold-blooded killers looking to free the earth of all Jewish people. Therefore, is it not legitimate to be concerned about the forming of a caliphate in a bid to attack Israel?

Liberals tend to dismiss these concerns, citing the fact that Sunni Muslims and Shiite Muslims are constantly at each other's throats. I concede that much, but let's be honest about this. Sunnis and Shiites hate the Jews far more than they hate each other. They'll do everything they can to kill the infidels first, and only then will they shift their focus to the internal struggle for power.

Liberals are also asking why conservatives aren't as thrilled as they are about the political uprisings in the Middle East. I've heard them call us hypocrites, because while we supported President Bush in his bid to overthrow Saddam Hussein in the war against Iraq, now we're lashing out at those who are organizing the protests in Egypt and elsewhere.

First of all, we can flip that around to ask another question. If the liberals are so happy that Middle East citizens are now standing up to the dictators that suppress them, then why did they not support President Bush when he deposed the worst dictator of all? Hussein killed tens of thousands of his own people, something that Mubarak never did. Then why didn't the left give credit to Bush for liberating the Iraqi people? What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

Reverse arguments aside, the liberals are also wrong in this respect. When we went into Iraq and overthrew Hussein, the United States was overseeing the transition to a democratic government. We were there to help fight the terrorists who supported the former dictator. Yes, it cost many of our bravest men and women their very lives. But they did not die in vain, for in the end, the United States will ensure that democracy prevails in Iraq, protecting our interests and security for years to come.

Egypt, however, is different. Their situation does not call for a U.S. military presence. We are helpless to do anything but stand by and idly watch to see where the chips fall. All we can really do is cajole Mubarak into moving slowly, as former Vice President Dick Cheney recently suggested. We have to make sure that he allows a smooth transition to take place, one that will prevent the radical Muslim Brotherhood from instantly seizing power. In his interview with Bill O'Reilly during yesterday's Super Bowl, President Obama claimed that there are many other factions in Egypt looking to take part in the reform process. I hope and pray that he's right, and that the more moderate groups are the ones who come out on top.

To some, it may sound like a conspiracy theory. But think about it. Radical Muslims are united in their bid to do away with Israel. They already own Iran, Syria, Sudan, and Somalia. Hezbollah is constantly firing rockets from Lebanon into Israel, and Palestinians routinely carry out homicide bombings on Israeli citizens. Muslim terrorists are a major presence throughout northern Africa. With the futures of Yemen, Tunisia, and Egypt hanging in the balance, is it really that far-fetched to be concerned about the forming of a caliphate? Again, highlight these countries on a map and tell me what you see. Should Israel just ignore what is going on and cast caution to the wind? Should Americans not be paying attention, worrying instead about whether there is going to be an NFL season in 2011?

I hate to even think about this, but if those countries with uncertain political futures (especially Egypt) fall into the wrong hands, then we will be witnessing the emergence of World War III. Mark my words. If the Muslim Brotherhood gains the power it needs to unleash a major attack on Israel, it will. The rest of the Muslim extremists will follow. The United States will have no choice other than to unite with Israel in its bid to fight off the terrorist regimes, and will most likely be joined by our European allies and some of the other countries that supported our interests in Iraq and Afghanistan (e.g., Australia, Canada, and Japan). What will Russia and China do? Who knows? Most likely they'll stand on the sidelines and watch as the casualties mount on both sides. Will North Korea then see an opening and start rattling the cage on the Korean peninsula? Sure, why not. With America pre-occupied in the Middle East, this will be the perfect time for that rogue nation to start stirring up trouble again.

It's all very scary, and I really don't believe that the majority of Americans are aware of how grave the situation is. Ignorance is bliss, so they say. But I think they'll start taking notice very soon if the Muslim Brotherhood comes to power and starts closing off the Suez Canal. What do you think that will do to the prices of oil and other goods that will now have to be shipped around the horn of Africa instead? One need not be a professor of economics to figure that one out.

Granted, there's no reason to panic just yet. The waiting game continues, and we have to see how things shake out before we issue any response. But in the meantime, the U.S. must formulate plans to prepare for whatever the final result will be. President Obama needs to clearly communicate to the American people who in Egypt we will support. Who are these other factions vying for political power? What are their goals for the Egyptian people? Will they support American interests? We have the right to know that much. If we are going to have peace of mind, then we also need to know that our president is prepared for the worst-case scenario. As I already stated, I believe that such an outcome will lead to World War III. Let's hope and pray that it never reaches that point, and that the bid to form a caliphate ends before it ever really begins.

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